Privacy Policy

Who we are

Deztec is a wholly owned subsidiary of Mavoy, LLC.


We use cookies to:

Track session state (whether a user is logged in or not)

For our website software to function correctly.

CloudFlare and/or Google may use cookies in order to provide their security, SPAM reduction and/or content delivery services.

Who we share your data with

Like any other website, we don’t reinvent the wheel and rely on the technology of others to provide our users with the best possible experience while minimizing privacy loss. We respect our user’s privacy. Here is a list of partners we work with: – IP and browser version information is sent should an application error occur

Google – for web site analytics, advertising, SPAM reduction, and authentication options

PayPal – to facilitate payment processing

Cloudflare – for DNS, security, and content delivery

DigitalOcean – for data storage and processing

NewRelic – for application performance monitoring