SFTP Destination

PGP Encryption

Default settings for the PGP encryption functionality of the SFTP Destination delivery extension are configured via settings in the RSreportserver.config file:

<Extension Name="Deztec SFTP Destination" Type="Deztec.SFTPDestination.SFTPDeliveryProvider, Deztec.SFTPDestination">
			<PGPPublicKeyFolder>C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services\SSRS\ReportServer\PGPKeys\</PGPPublicKeyFolder>

The PGPPublicKeyFolder setting defaults to the PGPKeys directory within the ReportServer folder. This defines the location where the extension searches for PGP public keys when only a filename is provided in the subscription definition.

If the “PGP Public Key Path” specified in the report subscription contains a backslash (\), it is interpreted as an absolute file path. Otherwise, the system assumes the key file is located in the PGPPublicKeyFolder directory.

PGP Key Files and folders must have appropriate permissions, allowing the SSRS service account read access.

The EncryptedFileExtension setting (defaulting to .pgp) specifies the file extension added to encrypted files processed by the SFTP Destination delivery extension. When PGP encryption is enabled, all encrypted files will be assigned the extension defined in this setting.

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