SFTP Destination

Subscription Status: The delivery extension associated with this subscription is not available on this report server. Verify that the delivery extension is installed.

This error occurs when SSRS attempts to run a subscription that is configured for a Delivery Extension that it cannot find. This could happen if the delivery extension was uninstalled.

If you need to update your license, do not uninstall and reinstall. Follow these simple License Installation Instructions to update your installed license.

When SSRS cannot locate a delivery extension specified by a subscription, it not only logs the error but also updates the subscription by removing the configured Delivery Extension.

To resolve this issue, execute the following command on the SSRS database where the problem occurs:

UPDATE ReportServer.dbo.subscriptions
	InactiveFlags = 0,
	DeliveryExtension = 'Deztec SFTP Destination',
	LastStatus = ''
WHERE DeliveryExtension = ''
AND LastStatus = 'The delivery extension associated with this subscription is not available on this report server. Verify that the delivery extension is installed.';

This assumes that all subscriptions in this state need to be re-linked to the Deztec SFTP Destination delivery extension. Fortunately, SSRS does not erase the ExtensionSettings field in the Subscriptions table. Once the DeliveryExtension field is restored, subscriptions should resume being delivered through the extension.

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